One of the big mistakes is relying on best practices for in=person design. Though some practices translate, without knowing the best practices for virtual content design, your online offerings can fall flat! In this week Discover How To:
✴️ Create an Arc of Transformation in a virtual setting.
✴️ Chunk and sequence content to support virtual participants.
✴️ Use technology as an integral aspect of content design.
✴️ Develop pre-work to support and set the stage for success.
✴️ Clarify which aspects of your content you should do live in the virtual event and which should you pre-record as self-learning materials and assets for participants.
With in-person events, experience unfolds organically with the facilitator sculpting that experience. But in virtual, this is NOT the case. You need to design to the strengths of the virtual medium and avoid its weaknesses! In this week Discover How To:
✴️ Effectively utilize technology to enhance experience and engagement.
✴️ Create effective solo, partner, and group activities, intro ice breakers, skill activities, games, and sustainment activities.
✴️ Add activities for building connection.
✴️ Set up a safe container that supports depth and vulnerabilit.
✴️ Develop activities to track and measure progress.
✴️ Identify specific activities for sustaining and enhancing transformation as part of your Sustainment Plan post the event.
In this week of the coaching program, take a deeper dive into technology that supports your event, as well as pre-work and sustainment plans. Discover How To:
✴️ Refine your script to support the tech. Get our swipe file of a virtual event script template.
✴️ Identify other apps or tech that could support your content or experience design.
✴️ Run Zoom sessions, using important in-meeting features, such as breakout rooms.
✴️ Use advanced in-meeting features of Zoom, such as whiteboards, polling, etc.
✴️ Include software that is perfect for virtual interaction, such as google docs, google forms, quizzes/assessments, etc.
Like content design, one of the big mistakes that are made is to assume that what is highly effective way to facilitate in-person is the same for virtual. In this week, you'll learn a variety of insights, tips, and techniques that are unique to facilitating online offerings. Discover How To:
✴️ Encourage quieter participants to engage.
✴️ Effectively deal with conflict or charged situations/participants.
✴️ Use your own story and participants stories to open the space up for greater depth and intimacy.
✴️ Use low-tech to help break up the monotony of high tech.
✴️ Turn virtual into a playground of fun and delightful learning.
✴️ Work with group energy in virtual.
✴️ Work 1-1 in depthful and transformational ways during virtual events
In our work with individuals, teams and companies, sustainment is the #1 factor that most programs leave out and which supports the majority of the win when it comes to transformation. Studies across multiple industries reveal that without a sustainment plan, new behavior gained in workshops or training session will REVERT BACK to pre-training behavior within 6-8 weeks! The good news is that there are definite advantages in virtual for sustainment. In this final week, Discover How To:
✴️ Create effective and successful action planning.
✴️ Track and measure participant progress and success.
✴️ Determine follow-up training that you facilitate post the initial event
✴️ Design an effective sustainment plan that utilizes both live and self-learning components.
✴️ Incorporate accountability into your sustainment plan to ensure ongoing success
This 5-Week Program will ACCELERATE your effectiveness and skill as a Designer and Leader of Virtual Events, Programs, and Offerings!